Monday, June 10, 2024

Dummy feat. Yzma

I don’t know much about Yzma. What I do know is that The Empress took a liking to her character very quickly and had me bring home a miniature of her. Now I have two borderline insane crazies that are up all night. 

When I brought home the hat Judith was wearing, she immediately picked out an outfit for a photoshoot. She grabbed Yzma and popped this adult dummy in her mouth. Not quite sure why she has this.

Over the past few days, I have been on vacation. Working on editing my book has been a priority. As the writing progressed, I was hoping to be all done soon, but I realize that this project will take longer than expected. Stay tuned. 

Judith being Judith, she placed the dummy somewhere in between her legs. I have seen her do much worse of course. When The Empress placed the pacifier back in her mouth, it was actually a bit of a turn-on… 

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What would the Empress do if she were to go along for a ride in a space pod? She would indeed still smoke, as unsafe as that would be. Judit...