Monday, June 24, 2024

Gold Stripes

The Empress loves her striped shirts. We recently found this one at a thrift shop near Virginia Beach. She wanted to add this black jacket as well. In one pic, there was a strange holographic effect while editing. 

Much like the hologram effect, Judith is sometimes challenging to figure out. She has been through so much and has traveled to so many unique places in the world. I love how mysterious she can be. 

Of course, the Empress has to display two types of smiles: one that is cute and very peculiar for someone like her and the other that is very exaggerated, which most are used to seeing.  

Monday, June 10, 2024

Dummy feat. Yzma

I don’t know much about Yzma. What I do know is that The Empress took a liking to her character very quickly and had me bring home a miniature of her. Now I have two borderline insane crazies that are up all night. 

When I brought home the hat Judith was wearing, she immediately picked out an outfit for a photoshoot. She grabbed Yzma and popped this adult dummy in her mouth. Not quite sure why she has this.

Over the past few days, I have been on vacation. Working on editing my book has been a priority. As the writing progressed, I was hoping to be all done soon, but I realize that this project will take longer than expected. Stay tuned. 

Judith being Judith, she placed the dummy somewhere in between her legs. I have seen her do much worse of course. When The Empress placed the pacifier back in her mouth, it was actually a bit of a turn-on… 


What would the Empress do if she were to go along for a ride in a space pod? She would indeed still smoke, as unsafe as that would be. Judit...