Hello, everyone. Here is the final set of Judith in her original body and head (I thought the last set was). This represents the last five years of photographic hell I have put her through. Loose joints, broken fingers, and super glue caked around her eyes. I not only love The Empress, but I will always love this vessel.
Is this set the portrait of someone who hit rock bottom? The set might speak to someone that way, which is fine. I personally know that the all-powerful Judith can bungee off a 500-foot bridge and bounce right back into reality without blinking an eye. Rock bottom, hungover, head below water, then smiling vibrantly.
I have many favorites when it comes to Judith’s photos. This is going down in addition to the favorites in the last five years. Chaotic, horrific, sexual, alcoholic, and smokey. A woman who has snapped and is not concerned about reputation. She literally does not GAFF.
I am deeply moved by all the sets, old and new. Annie and Judith have been a substantial part of my life for so long that I cannot ignore the energy that has resulted from their presence. I am incredibly proud of this set and cannot wait to show you their future. By the way, Judith’s new body and head have arrived.
I have always said, “This keeps getting better and better.” The words still hold true. I am very much looking forward to more. Sci-fi is becoming Sci-non-fi. All of this creates a great feeling I always get before going on stage, an interview, and a presentation. See you there.